
day sixteen.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 8:15 p.m.
meeting on the roof of the ccf house for freshman accountability group with beautiful ladies: kait, megan, katie, and haley (picured)!

katie [Louisville, KY] - 5:35pm
Goodbye, mid-terms. Hello, fall break, a.k.a "Fall Reading Days".


day fifteen.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 8:00 p.m.
fire alarms moved ccf outside tonight. nothing is better than worshiping the Lord under His stars.

Katie [Louisville, KY] - 9:55am
the new addition to our hall. :/


day fourteen.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 6:05 p.m.
oh, hello autumn. it's lovely to see you once again...

Katie [Louisville, KY]- 5:42pm
these are always good days :)


day thirteen.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 10:15 p.m.
vera love. and don't be fooled....this is not the extent of my collection.

Katie [Louisville, KY] - 8:43pm
9:00 Jimmy John's run with Sarah P. This girl makes me laugh real hard.


day twelve.

Katie [Louisville, KY]- 6:40pm
the veiw from my bathroom window. yup.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 7:30 p.m.
the k-ville night sky.


day eleven.

Katie [Louisville, KY]: 12:45 pm
being productive at Louisville's JAVAco. with my sweet friend Anne :)

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 7:45 p.m.
a picture of me and my ninja friends on a bulletin board at the ccf house. 


day ten.

katie [Louisville, KY] - 7:35pm

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 11:15 a.m.
powerful t-shirts with personal accounts of date rape to speak out about violence against women.


day nine.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 9:30 pm
pumpkin latte's with new friends....love.

Katie [Louisville, KY]: 11:55pm
It's really encouraging that my roommate thinks I am "coming into being" a true proverbs 31 woman.... only at bible college.


day eight.

Katie [Louisville, KY]: 9:06pm
what this "college" stuff does to you.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 6:15 p.m.
the key to college success: a cereal bowl, three scoops of vanilla ice cream, frosted flakes, and honey.


day seven.

katie [Louisville, KY]: 10:14am
my first legit college paper (Hermeneutics- Proverbs 31:10-31).

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 11:45 p.m.
"for God alone, o my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him." [psalm sixty-two:five].
thank you for the beautiful reminder on my desk, mom :)


day six

katie [Louisville, KY] 9:00pm
two words: hall ball

megan [kirksville, mo] - 12:15 pm
webcams make wonderful mirrors. 


day five.

megan [kirksville, mo] - 7:45 pm
yummy, non-dorm food. thanks for the meal, mrs. neumann!

Katie [Louisville, KY] - 6:51 pm
riding in Chelsee's VW and jamming to some tswift.


day four.

Katie [Louisville, KY] : 2:14 pm
i want him.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 4:15 pm
i love rainy days at java co.


day three.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 4:55 p.m.
doing laundry for the first time in my entire life. thank you for your assistance with my extreme lack of know-how, martin.

Katie [Louisville, KY]: 8:30 pm
Megan's favorite time of day :). P.S. This photo taken at Famous Dave's. Happy Birthday, Roomie!


day two.

Katie [Louisville, KY] 9:30pm
The cure for the common cold: a cute box of Kleenex, The Office, Peanut Butter Crunch, and a sweet friend (mine's name is McKenzie). Warning: if you take to long to take the picture, your cereal will get soggy.

megan [kirksville, mo] - 12:10 am
anthropologie & God's Word....what a wonderful combination.


day one.

Katie [Louisville, KY]: 10:35pm
"Katie! We have a casualty in the hallway!"-Amber Elliott

Yes, that is a beloved and fully sanctified white cheddar chez-it.

megan [kirksville, missouri] - 8:00 p.m.
worshipping without shoes.
"moses, moses!" and he said, "here i am." then he said, "do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." - exodus three : four and five